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Thoughts on editing, writing, and academic life

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Katherine Wiley Katherine Wiley

A Pep Talk for Frustrated Academic Writers

Frustrated by how your academic writing is going? You are not alone! Here's my brief manifesto of things I'd like to say to frustrated faculty writers in the hopes that it helps them to gain a bit of confidence in their writing, learn some tips on how to move forward, and further value their work.

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Katherine Wiley Katherine Wiley

Six Myths About Leaving Academia, Debunked!

Deciding to leave academia is difficult. Many faculty members who are thinking of quitting get hung up on a variety of myths that suggest life outside of academia will be bleak. Let’s debunk them!

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Katherine Wiley Katherine Wiley

How I Knew It Was Time for Me to Leave Academia

How do you know when it's time to leave academia? Quitting academia isn't easy and it's hard to understand when it's time to go. This post shares my story and provides some suggestions for how you might determine whether it's time for you to go.

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Katherine Wiley Katherine Wiley

How I Left Academia (and Survived!)

Leaving academia was one of the most difficult decisions I ever made. Since leaving, many people have asked me why I did. So in this post, I share that story. I hope it is helpful to others who might be struggling in this profession.

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Katherine Wiley Katherine Wiley

Six Ways to Get Scholarly Writing Done

How do you make time for writing, given all of academia’s demands? What are strategies for getting writing done, while not neglecting teaching or service? Read on!

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